I purchased a few Isagenix products - the chocolate shake, the Cleanse for Life, and the Natural Accelerator.

I really like the Natural Accelerator. I was able to workout on the elliptical for 60 minutes, which I never do because I don't have the energy. I'm not so sure about the shake...I added cold, purified water and used the blender bottle to mix it up...it tastes better than your typical protein shake but it's really thick and doesn't have much flavor. A friend told me that I really should use a blender - add some ice, maybe some strawberries or peanut butter or even some IsaFruits and it will taste yummy. I'll have to get around to buying a blender!

The cleanse is another story. It's really strong and has a weird quality to it...similar to the feeling you get in your throat right after you drink something really sour or dry champagne. I also don't like not eating all day. I'm not sure if I'm doing the cleanse right. I'll have to talk to my consultant about it...

Post more later!